
CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant

CareLinx By ShareCare
San Francisco Full-day Full-time


CareLinx by Sharecare is not your average agency or registry. We empower you to work on your terms! You choose your shifts at our partner facilities, make your own schedule, and how much you want to work whether it’s full-time, part-time, sometimes, or anytime - there are no minimum or maximum hours required.

Earn more doing what you love by being in control of the when, where, and what shifts you want to work through CareLinx’s mobile app. Join our community of healthcare professionals and nurses making a difference and maintaining a better work/life balance. Get the respect you deserve as a nursing professional.

Job Summary:

CNAs have the opportunity to provide care to patients in a variety of settings including skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, patients' homes, senior living centers, and hospital/clinical settings. We offer various shifts including day, night, weekdays, and weekends – choose the shifts to fit your schedule.

Specific Skills/ Attributes:

  • Care and compassion for others
  • Customer focused
  • Good communicator
  • Team player
  • Ability to learn new systems and work processes

Qualifications :

  • Two (2) months of nursing assistance experience
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Active certification or license as a Nursing Assistant
  • Active CPR/BLS certification
  • Proof of COVID vaccination, including the first booster
  • Medical requirements including physicals and TB test may be required.
  • Additional documents can be requested due to state laws and regulations, and some training requirements may be needed.

CareLinx by Sharecare is a leading nationwide network of licensed tech-enabled caregivers and nurses dispatched on-demand to serve patients in need. As a professional caregiver and health care professional marketplace, CareLinx connects trusted and licensed professionals with families in need of home care services, health care facilities, and partner locations. Nurse on Demand, the medical staffing division of CareLinx, leverages our established nationwide network of tech-enabled nursing and care professionals for on-demand dispatch and medical staffing. CareLinx is part of Sharecare Inc.

Sharecare is the leading digital health company that helps people – no matter where they are in their health journey – unify and manage all their health in one place. Our comprehensive and data-driven virtual health platform is designed to help people, providers, employers, health plans, government organizations, and communities optimize individual and population-wide well-being by driving positive behavior change. Driven by our philosophy that we are all together better, at Sharecare, we are promised to supporting each individual through the lens of their personal health and making high-quality care more accessible and affordable for everyone. To learn more, visit www.sharecare.com.

Sharecare, Inc. and its subsidiaries are Equal Opportunity Employers and E-Verify users. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, equal pay, disability, genetic information, protected veteran status, or other status protected under applicable law.

Essential Job Functions:

  • Assist with personal care including bathing, dressing, feeding, toileting, ambulation, transfers, or positioning of patients
  • Aid with physician-ordered medications which are ordinarily self-administered under the direction and supervision of a Registered Nurse
  • Communicates with the care team as needed.
  • Completes, maintains and submits accurate and relevant documentation.
  • Ensures an atmosphere that allows for privacy, dignity, and well-being in a safe, secure environment.
Jan 31, 2024;   from: monster.com

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